Take some time to browse our selection of training courses and classes.
If your organization would like to host a class, please contact us for additional information
Report Writing for Fire Investigators
The Report Writing for Fire Investigators class features how to write clear, concise, factual, and objective fire investigation reports. We will specifically describe the components of a proper origin and cause report. The class will explain how the scientific method can assist you in locating the fire’s origin and determining and documenting the root cause of a fire. We will also describe all of the necessary components of a complete fire investigation report, and will give specific examples of the correct words to use.
Fire Investigation 1A:
Basic Fire Investigation
This course provides information on securing the fire scene and determining the origin and cause of the fire. Topics include: responsibilities of a fire investigator, securing the fire ground, conducting an exterior and interior survey, analyzing fire patterns, interpreting individual fire patterns, discriminating the effects of explosions, examining and removing fire debris, reconstructing the area of origin, and inspecting the performance of building systems. The 2022 edition of NFPA 1033 Standard for Fire Investigator Professional Qualifications is the basis for this course.
Prerequisites: Fire Behavior and Combustion (CA Community College)
This class presents an overview of the officer’s on-scene responsibility for fire investigation, including scene safety. The training will also cover origin and cause determination methods, including evaluation of exterior and interior fire patterns. We will describe proper incident classification and fire causes, as well as specific methods to write an origin and cause narrative from the company officer’s perspective.
Update on NFPA 921/1033
The NFPA 921/1033 Update class addresses the significant changes in the 2024 Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations. Major changes associated with the use of the scientific method and negative corpus will also be discussed. The class will address best practices as well as application of the guide to actual scene investigations. Changes to the 2022 NFPA 1033 will also be addressed as well as explanation of the Job Performance Requirements (JPR) as they relate to the professional qualifications of fire investigators.
Fire Investigation 1B: Evidence and Documentation
This course provides information on scene documentation and evidence collection/preservation. Topics include photographing the scene, diagramming the scene, constructing investigative notes, processing evidence and establishing chain of custody, processing victims and fatalities, selecting evidence for analysis, maintaining a chain of custody, preparing a fire investigation report, and disposing of evidence. The 2022 edition of NFPA 1033 Standard for Fire Investigator Professional Qualifications is the basis for this course. Prerequisite: Fire Investigation 1A
This course provides information on testifying at both depositions as well as in civil/criminal court. We will describe the tools necessary to be successful under direct and cross examination. Preparation is everything, so we will discuss how to formulate opinions and present your investigative findings. The class will address best practices that are consistent with NFPA 921 and 1033. Finally, we will address your curriculum vitae and how to avoid the pitfalls of testifying as an expert.

Fire Investigation 1C: Preparation for Legal Proceedings
This course provides information on legal considerations for a court proceeding. Topics include coordinating expert resources, formulating an opinion, presenting investigative findings, and testifying during legal proceedings. The 2022 edition of NFPA 1033 Standard for Fire Investigator Professional Qualifications is the basis for this course.
Prerequisite: Fire Investigation 1A & 1B; PC832 (a): Arrest
Company Officer 2C: Fire Inspections and Investigation
This course provides information on conducting inspections, identifying hazards and addressing violations, performing a fire investigation to determine preliminary cause and securing the incident scene and preserving evidence. Prerequisites: FF2 Coursework.
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Contact Rappaport Consulting LLC
Call: (310) 806-8057