Fire Investigation Training
Mr. Rappaport has instructed both new and experienced investigators in origin and cause investigation techniques over the past 19 years. He keeps current with the latest technology, training, and advances occurring in the fire investigation field. Similarly, he teaches update classes on new editions of NFPA 921 and NFPA 1033. Further, he instructs both public and private fire investigators on proper report writing techniques. He often is hired by fire departments to train their company officers and fire investigators on the proper methods of
investigating and documenting a fire scene.
As a registered California State Fire Marshal Instructor, Mr. Rappaport has trained numerous fire investigators throughout the state. Topics of instruction include origin and cause determination techniques, interview and interrogation methods, evidence collection, surveillance techniques, search warrant preparation, and case report writing. Mr. Rappaport has presented on various topics at annual training conferences for the International Association of Arson Investigators and California Conference of Arson Investigators. He also presents classes to insurance company claims representatives and County District Attorneys. His experience speaking to large audiences allows him to give compelling testimony in a court setting.
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For more information about our potential services, feel free to Contact Rappaport Consulting LLC by email or phone.
Contact Rappaport Consulting LLC
Call: (310) 806-8057